Our Cornerstones
Our Cornerstones are customer, product and industry neutral. That is, it doesn’t matter who we serve, what products we carry, or what industry we compete in. Our Cornerstones represent who we are and how we strive to conduct ourselves each day. We look for opportunities to share these Cornerstones with our customers, suppliers, employee-owners and others in our communities because they are a reflection of our commitment to serving others - a servant-based philosophy.
Supporting our customers’ success with quality products and exceptional service through mutually beneficial relationships with leading suppliers.
Promoting a culture founded on trust, teamwork, individual responsibility, high expectations, active involvement and open communications in a safe, clean, personally rewarding work environment.
Financial Stewardship
Earning a return on investment sufficient to meet our responsibilities to the National Nail team, stakeholders, and community.
Conducting our business in a manner that reflects our trust and dependence on God.
Character: The Eight
Character is important to us - it distinguishes people and organizations, while building trust and providing a foundation for strong relationships. The Eight embodies the positive qualities that we have chosen to model each day.
- Servant Leadership - Caring for others first.
- Integrity - Doing what is ethically and morally right.
- Sound Judgment - Assessing situations with wisdom, resulting in better decisions.
- Courage - Possessing the inner strength to act on the difficult or unknown.
- Curiosity - An inquisitiveness and desire to learn or know about others.
- Discipline - Being intentional.
- Energy-Giving - Being an uplifting, positive, motivating influence.
- Mentoring-Others - Developing others, developing leaders, developing our future.

Our Philosophy
A 360° model that reflects how we think, how we behave, how we approach business, how we approach life.
Serving in ways that help you grow is our assignment. Whether you're a business partner or an employee-owner, we want your story to be better because we were part of it.
We show up every day to make things better. We want to contribute to your growth and success. We want you to be a rock star!
If we serve well and make things better because we showed up, then value, however you define it, will go up as a result. No matter how you measure - margin, compensation, relationships, or something else, have you grown?
We have fun when we're working together! We want to enjoy each other while we are doing what we do. Serve. Better. Value. Fun. It's a circle.